Featuring proven technology and innovative passive safety systems, the Westinghouse AP1000 pressurized water reactor can achieve competitive generation costs in the current electricity market without emitting harmful greenhouse gases and further harming the environment.
Westinghouse Electric Company, the pioneer in nuclear energy once again sets a new industry standard with the AP1000. The AP1000 is a two-loop pressurized water reactor that uses simplified, innovative and effective approach to safety. With a gross power rating of 3415 megawatt thermal and a nominal net electrical output of 1117 megawatt electric, the AP1000 is ideal for new base load generation. The AP1000 is the safest and most economical nuclear power plant available in the worldwide commercial marketplace, and is the only Generation III+ reactor to receive a design certification from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
Based on nearly 20 years of research and development, the AP1000 builds and improves upon the established technology of major components used in current Westinghouse-designed plants. These components, including steam generators, digital instrumentation and controls, fuel, pressurizers, and reactor vessels, are currently in use around the world and have years of proven, reliable operating experience.
Historically, Westinghouse plant designs and technology have forged the cutting edge technology of nuclear plant around the world. Today, nearly 50 percent of the world’s 440 nuclear plants are based on Westinghouse technology. Westinghouse continues to be the nuclear industry’s global leader.
Aussi, nous avons demandé à M. Roger Schène, Directeur du Service Ingénierie France de Westinghouse de nous présenter ce réacteur de Génération III+ et le rôle que veut jouer Westinghouse dans le monde sur le renouveau du Nucléaire
Notre conférencier et plusieurs acteurs sur ce sujet répondront aux questions que vous leur poserez et vous pourrez poursuivre comme d’habitude vos échanges autour d’un verre ou lors du dîner facultatif qui suivra sur place (réservation uniquement à l’avance pour le dîner).
Elisabeth PEYROT